Instructors who are appointed to handle this course are experts in
the field of sculpture. The expert is taken from art college graduates.
The instructors are experienced in handling several projects related
to the art of sculpture as monument, landscape, statues for urban
planning. The instructors are assisted with assistance that drawn
from art college.

One of the instructors is Bambang Adi Pramono, who studied at the
Institute of the Art ISI Yogyakarta and gets a degree in 1981. For
more details about bambang adi pramono can be seen in
> 2010 : Instructor of Short Course Sculpture in Bali
> 2008-2009 :
Monumen I Gusti Ngurah Rai” at Boulevard to Internasional Airport Ngurah Rai Denpasar Bali as Sculptor
> 2008-2009 :
Monumen Veteran Pejuang Kemerdekaan RI Sumatera Utara", Medan as Designer and Consultant
> 2007-2009 :
Chief of Research and Development, Education, and Design Consultan in Non Government Organization (KONGKARBUBALI)
> 2000-2005 :
Involved in Construction of “Hilton International Hotel and Grand Hyatt Nusa Dua Bali” in Art Work and Interior Design
> 2004 :
Renovation in “Indonesia Pavilion Expo Garden Kunming, China” as Consultant and Designer
> 2004 :
Comparative Study of Handicraft in THAILAND
> 2003 :
Indonesia Supervisor of “World Jewelry Exhibition”, Convention and Exhibition Center, HONGKONG
> 1993-2000 :
Designer Consultant and Instructure of Handicraft for East Indonesia Development (Support by TELKOM, DEPNAKERTRANS, and Dinas Perindustrian Propinsi Bali)
1983-1990 :
To give lecturer at Institute of the Art, ISI Yogyakarta.