As it is known that making sculpture with fiberglass material through three stages of : modeling, molding and casting. We have package price for minimum 3 students and subject with self portrait such as :
1.1. Modeling self portrait with clay (3 days) : Rp. 1.000.000,-
1.2. Molding with white plaster (2 day) : Rp. 750.000,-
1.3. Casting with fiberglass (2 days) : Rp. 750.000,-
Note :
- Time meeting are 4 hour, 2 hour full with instructor and 2 hour is assistance time.
- Price include material
- Price exclude food and beverage
2.1. Package clay (2 hour) : Rp. 250.000,-
2.2. Package making kite (2 hour) : Rp. 250.000,-
Note :
- Price include material, food and beverage
If you have inquiry and question feel free to contact us (HP. 0817347036)